The Kingston Learning College is an Education Queensland multi-pathway campus.
Our college is part of Kingston State College, and although separated physically from the main school, Education Queensland designated it as a centre for continuing education.
We provide opportunities for students, aged 15 and over, to continue or re-engage in formal learning programs within a flexible and informal setting.
We offer re-entry courses for people with different needs and starting points who wish to undertake part-time or full-time studies in pre-year 10 English and maths, Years 10, 11 and 12.
People who enrol at Kingston Learning College Centre have different starting points such as:
- returning to learning after an extended absence
- re-engaging in learning after a previous negative schooling experience
- undertaking Year 10 subjects for better work prospects e.g. apprenticeships, entry into the Defence Forces, TAFE pre-vocational courses
- completing applied subjects essential English and essential mathematics for a statement of attainment
- completing English and mathematics general subjects as credits towards the Queensland Certificate of Education
- completing other senior subjects for credits and for tertiary entrance
balancing family commitments and study around the day and/or evening sessions - taking a literacy/numeracy course (kickstart maths and English) to increase confidence and skills before starting Year 10.
We have students enrolled at Kingston Learning College who range in ages from 15 to 50, all building on opportunities. Enrolments are generally taken two to three weeks before each course starts.